You will find here STL files that you can freely download for 3D printing cases and accessories, for Coiaca products.
Cases are usefull to protect circuits and sometimes are needed when placing the board on metal surfaces to avoid short circuit.
If you need a case for your board you can download the 3D model from this page, and print it yourself.
BRDSC01 v4 case and lid
This case is compatible with the version 4 of the BRDSC01 bridge, with perforations for wiring, wall fixing and ventilation; mounting pillars for PCB screws and lid. (You can find version number printed on the PCB. Version 4 label is: BRDSC01-LLE-V4 )

The model is splitted is two STL files. One for the case and other for the lid. Once printed, you will need two M2.6*6 screws to fix the PCB to the box.
This model can be printed on 0.2 resolution, with at least 20% infill. Supports are not needed and recommended materials are PLA or PETg.
BRDSC01 v2.1 case and lid
This case is compatible with the version 2.1, with perforations for wiring, wall fixing and ventilation; mounting pillars for PCB screws and lid. (You can find version number printed on the PCB. Version 2.1 label is: BRDSC01-LLE-V2.1 )

The model is splitted is two STL files. One for the case and other for the lid. Once printed, you will need two M2.6*6 screws to fix the PCB to the box.
This model can be printed on 0.2 resolution, with at least 20% infill. Supports are not needed and recommended materials are PLA or PETg.
ABC v2.2 case and lid
This case is for the ABC v2.2 device with perforations for wiring, wall fixing and ventilation; mounting pillars for PCB screws and lid (You can find version number printed on the PCB. Version 2.2 label is: ABC-LLE-V2.2 ):

The model is splitted is two STL files. One for the case and other for the lid. There are two versions for the lid; a simple one and other for attaching a DHT22 temperature sensor. Once printed, you will need four M2.6*6 screws to fix the PCB to the box.
This model can be printed on 0.2 resolution, with at least 20% infill. Supports are not needed and recommended material is PLA.
AWR01THERMt USB case and lid
This case is for the AWR01THERMt USB device:

The model is splitted is two STL files. One for the case and other for the lid. Once printed, you will need two M2.6*5 screws to fix the PCB to the box.
This model can be printed on 0.2 resolution, with at least 20% infill. Supports are only needed for the lid (tree supports recomended) and recommended material is PLA .
HAB v1 case and lid
This case is compatible HAB version 1, with perforations for wiring, wall fixing and ventilation; mounting pillars for PCB screws and lid. (You can find version number printed on the PCB. Version 1 label is: HAB-LLE-V1 )

The model is splitted is two STL files. One for the case and other for the lid. Once printed, you will need two M2.6*6 screws to fix the PCB to the box.
This model can be printed on 0.2 resolution, with at least 20% infill. Supports are not needed and recommended materials are PLA or PETg.
AWR01BUZZt case and lid
This case is for the AWR01BUZZt device:

The model is splitted is two STL files. One for the case and other for the lid. Once printed, you will need two M2.6*5 screws to fix the PCB to the box.
This model can be printed on 0.2 resolution, with at least 20% infill. Supports are not needed and recommended materials is PLA.